Comedy wasn't as bad.
The smoothness of the animation was somewhere about: good and great.
The originality helps the animation stay alive.
And a nice use for loop-animated objects.
Comedy wasn't as bad.
The smoothness of the animation was somewhere about: good and great.
The originality helps the animation stay alive.
And a nice use for loop-animated objects.
Thanks! :)
I hate that there isn't alot of good music out there. And "You" used one for my project. But i wont be that upset. atleast your movie isnt that bad. But should use way more effort, and practice.
Most of the movement looks really funky, and incorrect placement.
I see that you took alot of inspiration from kelzad. That you made some scenes, as close to the main realm series. Especially the name of the movie. "Madness: Project Mercury".
Thanks! I increased my animator's skill, so the movement isn't so wrong. But u are not right about my inspiration: the only thing which is inspired by Realm is a falling scene.
Really fucking terrible.
I am starting animator you know? I bet you started like this too
The idea was... something, also ik that its an incident, so you cant expect that much out of it.
The movment was a huge strugle with the animation, I saw alot of bad hand/body positions.
Overal the animation wasn't "That" Bad
Thanks dude :) And yes i will improve. Well i hope ,but still i hope you enjoy it :)
Nicely done!
Its "rel" smooth. xd
Heh, Dyera's only old tests, have been submited to this collab. CX
Im going to vote as i should do its 3,5/5
Soap there was no begging for the animation the end wasnt that Interesting, Music would of maked look mutch better, And the whole animation was the only best part it go 3/5 vote and other stuff 0,5/5
I take what I said Back
Fokc yo 9 < fuokcekc yoy 46
Age 25, Male
Joined on 3/1/16